The cast: set and costume design by Drew Facey; lighting design by Itai Erdal; photo by Emily Cooper
Safe Audition Practices
Safe In-Person Audition Practices | Arts Club Theatre Company
These practises have been approved by Canadian Actors Equity Association (CAEA) & the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT).
At this time we are thrilled to finally be resuming in-person auditions at the BMO Theatre Centre for productions coming up in our 2022-23 season. These auditions will follow strict protocol to ensure the safety of all persons in the room. Please note that Arts Club Theatre Company will require proof of full vaccination status from all Artists entering the building to audition.
First and foremost, anyone who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, or has come in contact with someone who exhibits symptoms, must not enter the building. Actors are asked to contact the theatre and let them know they will not be arriving for their audition, at which time the Theatre will work with them to re-schedule their slot (with proof of a negative COVID-19 test), or accept a video submission.
We ask that all who are invited to audition remain aware and respectful of those around them and know that everyone has their own comfort level. Please note, only those Actors who have been invited to audition will be permitted into the building.
Masks are mandatory in all common areas, such as entrances, hallways, and bathrooms. Auditions will take place spaced out through both our studios. One studio will be the audition room, the other studio will be the warm-up area, with spaces for Actors to warm up and store their things while they are auditioning. These spots will be available 20 minutes before each scheduled audition. We kindly ask that Actors do not show up more than 20 minutes prior to their audition slot.
Once Actors arrive they will be lead into the warm up area, given their own spot, distanced from others, and shown where the appropriate washrooms are should they care to use them. Once in their spot, Actors are welcome to take off their masks to warm up if there is ample space around them.
At the time for their audition, Actors will be invited into the audition room, where they will meet with the Creative Team. In the audition room, Actors will be allowed to take their mask off for the duration of their audition. The Director and Creative Team Members will be distanced at least 6 feet from the performers, and mask wearing will be required for Creative Team Members.
Actors will be permitted to sing, while remaining 10 feet from the creative team members. Spaces will be clearly marked on the floor to allow for effortless distancing. We require as the Actors approach the accompanist, they keep their masks on. Once they talk through their music they are able to walk to their spot and take their mask off. Distancing will be marked by a line on the floor, to allow for the Actors to move around during their audition.
Dance calls will follow all the same protocol as ‘adult dance classes’ in British Columbia. Actors will be called into the room in small groups, with enough room to be spaced out, and will perform the dance call together. Masks will be required for the dance calls.