Student Matinees
Since 2010, more than 20,000 students have attended Arts Club shows!
Whether you and your students visit our theatres for enlightenment or simply to revel in the excitement of live storytelling, we are pleased to provide you with enriching theatrical experiences.
The Student Matinee series is our largest and most popular program for youth. It increases the accessibility to theatre by providing subsidized tickets to students, offering memorable and thought-provoking opportunities for young people in our community.
Exposure to the performing arts promotes self-esteem and self-actualization, teaches empathy and compassion, and improves academic performance and creativity in young people. Attending a live performance is a critical component in cultivating a lifelong interest in the arts, which, in turn, positively impacts our community.
A live theatre performance is an important supplement to the curriculum at secondary schools in the Greater Vancouver Regional District. Teachers are provided with a Resource Guide, which gives background on the plays, characters, and historical context that aligns the production with the student's curriculum. Participating in cultural events provides a catalyst for thought and discussion in the classroom.
Contact groups@artsclub.com for more details!
Each Teacher Resource Guide is a compilation of activities and learning resources that will enhance your students' experience of an Arts Club show.

“I'm so impressed with the Arts Club. I booked a class of college students in for a play and a workshop, had various ticketing complications due to student schedules, which they sorted with finesse, and was stunned when they re-booked everything for the following weekend without batting an eye. The workshop was a great way of introducing space and relationship to my students—definitely something I can build into additional discussion in future classes. Would definitely recommend seeing an Arts Club play. Would definitely recommend booking a class for your students!”
—Stacey Gleddiesmith
“Your diverse programming, clear communication, and personable service make planning and scheduling our theatre attendance so much simpler. Thank you for your significant contribution to Vancouver theatre and to theatre education.”
—Angela Konrad, Chair, Department of Theatre at Trinity Western University
“A school trip to the theatre is often where many of us have discovered our great appreciation for the exchange of humanity that only occurs during a live performance… the excitement of a fieldtrip helps to further serve as a draw to help build my program and it can turn into one of the highlights of the year… I couldn't imagine teaching theatre without taking my students to see an example of what it should look like in a professional setting.”
—Charles Harris, Archbishop Carney Regional Secondary School
“The Arts Club student matinee program is dedicated to making high quality, professional theatre accessible to students. In seeing the amazing work at the Arts Club, students and teachers are better able to understand the nature of the theatre work they are creating themselves.”
—Lana O’Brien, Teacher
“For over 10 years, I've been taking my students to see the varied theatrical performances at the Arts Club with wonderful feedback from both students and staff. Not only do these field trips allow students to become better audience members, but for many it instills a lifelong passion of attending and participating in theatre.”
—Cheryl Causley, Crofton House School
“Attending musicals at the Stanley [Industrial Alliance Stage] is an excellent educational tool and I recommend it highly. Watching the professionalism of the actors and actresses on stage motivates our students to strive for higher quality in their own personal performances.”
—Deidre Baird, Teacher, D.W. Poppy Secondary School, Langley