Terms and Conditions
To help finance the Theatre’s capital improvements, a facility fee of $3.00 per person will be applied at the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, Granville Island Stage, Newmont Stage, and the BMO Theatre Centre studio performances. -
The required non-refundable rental deposit will be 50% of the total rental fee and is due upon signing of the contract. The 50% balance of the contracted rate along with proof of insurance (as per our specs), is due one month before the event date. If agreement is issued less than one month prior to event, 100% of total rental fee with proof of insurance is due upon signing. Rental fee must be paid in full, one week before event. -
When an event continues beyond the contracted rental period, it will be subject to an additional fee of $200 per hour at the Newmont Stage, $100 per hour for the Hamilton Boardroom and Balcony, $200 per hour for the iA Financial Group Atrium at the BMO Theatre Centre, $150 for the Granville Island upper lobby, $120 for the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage lobby, $250 per hour for the Granville Island Stage, and $300 per hour at the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage. Rates apply for each hour or portion thereof. Staffing Additional and Overtime costs will be at an addition to these rates. -
A certificate of public liability and property damage insurance for a minimum of $2 million of coverage per event, with the "Arts Club of Vancouver Theatre Society" as the additional named insured, is mandatory when renting any and all ACTC venues. For rentals at the BMO Theatre Centre, an additional named insured is required for “Bard on the Beach Theatre Society”. This is to be submitted to the ACTC one week in advance of the event. Insurance may be purchased through a company of your choice. ACTC can provide a referral. -
Included in the rental of the theatres, as required, are the services of one technician up to a maximum of 8 hours at the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, Granville Island Stage and Newmont Stage at the BMO Theatre Centre.Please note for rentals at our Newmont Stage, Granville Island Stage, and the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, more than one technician is almost always required and will be billed directly to the renter. Recommendations will be made based on your event needs by ACTC Management. Tech shifts are always scheduled ½ hour before and after the rental contract time for prepping and restoring the venue.
Also included, are the services of up to four Front of House Attendants, one Front of House Manager, and two Box Office Staff, up to a maximum of 4 hours, at the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage; up to three Front of House Attendants, one Front of House Manager, and two Box Office Staff at the Granville Island Stage; one Front of House Attendant, one Front of House Manager, and one Box Office Staff up to a maximum of 4 hours, at the Newmont Stage.
For weekday, daytime rentals the Granville Island Stage: Two ushers and no box office person up to a maximum of 4 hours.
For weekday, daytime rentals the Newmont Stage: One usher and no box office person up to a maximum of 4 hours.
Additional staff and/or hours will be billed at the following rates:
- For technicians - $45.00 per hour straight time (the first 8 hours; minimum 4-hour call), $67.50 per hour overtime (9–11 hours or any work after midnight, plus overtime if applicable) and $90.00 per hour double time (over 11 hours). $45.00 per hour for meal penalty (meal breaks occur after 4 hours consecutively worked, with exception, a one-time occurrence of 5 hours consecutively worked).
- For FOH Attendants - $23 per hour straight time (the first 8 hours), $34.50 per hour overtime (up to 10 hours) and $46.00 per hour double time (after 10 hours).
- For Box Office agents - $24.00 per hour straight time (the first 8 hours), $36.00 per hour overtime and $48.00 per hour double time.
- For FOH managers - $32.00 per hour straight time (the first 8 hours), $48.00 per hour overtime (up to 10 hours) and $64.00 per hour double time (after 10 hours).
The Arts Club reserves the right to control the sale or distribution of refreshments in all of their venues. Bringing in outside food or beverages for patrons, free or for resale, is not allowed. All bar service fees will have a 17% gratuity applied. Special order requests and buy bottle lists can be supplied on request. The Arts Club has an exclusive catering agreement with the Lazy Gourmet (lazygourmet.ca) for all our venues. Should the rentee wish to go with another caterer, or cater themselves, a $250 “buy-out” fee will be levied. -
At the discretion of the Arts Club Theatre Company, a licensee may use the dressing room and/or green room. Please note that rental rates may differ with lounge and lobby use. For all dark days or rentals occurring during our show run in all our venues, both or one of the main dressing rooms may not be available for rentee use. See Rentals Manager for additional options or substitutes. -
There is a surcharge of 15% of the gross receipts from souvenirs, programs, librettos or any other article offered or displayed for sale in either venue, by a licensee. In all cases the sanction of the Arts Club Theatre Company must be obtained before any such sales are conducted. -
The Arts Club Theatre Company reserves the right to make certain additional charges for special seat set-ups, stage, electrical, audio, lights or utility services. -
For rentals occurring during a run of our performances, i.e. a “dark day” or “Actor’s day off” rental, filming the stage when an ACTC theatrical set is in full view of patrons is not allowed without pre-approval from the Arts Club Theatre Management. Please see Rentals Manager for details. -
To play (publicly perform) music, live or recorded, at receptions, conventions, assemblies, and fashion shows, without dancing, the SOCAN tariff 8 fee will be levied accordingly: Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage $94.00, Granville Island Stage $67.00 and Newmont Stage $32.00. -
Arts Club Theatre Company does not provide free unsecured WIFI access in any of its venues. If you require WIFI for event run purposes, please contact the Venue Rental Manager for pricing. -
All performance venues are wheelchair accessible for patrons. -
Venues are available on a first come first served basis; check dates with the Venue Rental Manager. -
Persons renting any ACTC facility must set up their tickets through our in house ticketing service. Please contact Sean Jones, Facility Sales & Rentals Manager, at 604.687.5315 ext. 241, or sjones@artsclub.com to arrange for ticketing set-up form and info. In addition to the $3 per ticket facility fee at all ACTC venues, ACTC will charge a $50 setup fee per show day ($100 flat fee for multiple show days), $0.20 for each ticket printed, and 2.1% on Visa/MasterCard transactions (3.25% on AMEX). Tickets purchased through the ACTC ticketing software system will be subject to a service charge of $4.For non-ticketed free-admission events a facility fee will be levied accordingly: $100.00 for the Newmont Stage; $200.00 for the Granville Island Stage; and $300.00 for the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage.
For third-party ticketing, a Box Office Buyout Fee of $150 will be applied for not using our ticketing software system, along with the $3 per ticket sold facility fee. Comp tickets are not charged.
ACTC call centre is open for phone sales from 10 AM to 8 PM Monday to Saturday and Noon to 5 PM Sunday. In addition to the call centre there is a walk up box office the day of the event for walk up sales via credit card, debit, and cash sales. Prebox tickets can be arranged, contact the Venue Rental Manager for details.
The Venue Rental Manager can provide ticket reports on a regular basis as requested.
The Arts Club Theatre Company is not responsible for any marketing or publicity of your event.The Arts Club Logo and name cannot be used in any media releases for any rental, including advertising, invites, posters, posts, registrations etc. Rentee must send all its media proofs for pre-approval to the ACTC Venue Rental Manager before being released to the public and before a signed contract is in place.