Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage
Please note that the availability of the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage is extremely limited due to back-to-back in-house productions. Should a date become available, it will be a Sunday evening or a Monday (non-show days). Rentals would have limited access to dressing rooms, and the set for the in-house production may be on the stage.
The Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage is our 620-seat flagship venue featuring complete sound, lighting, and fly systems. Located in the popular South Granville neighbourhood, the Stanley is walking distance from convenient transport facilities and a variety of local shops and restaurants. The Stanley first opened in 1931 as a vaudeville house before being used as a cinema. The restoration of the venue received a 1999 City of Vancouver Heritage Award. Due to its historical status, this space is rented for a variety of events such as film sets, graduation ceremonies, band performances, symphony concerts, and much more. With renting the stage, you also get access to the Lobby area which houses a fully serviced bar. Although the auditorium has accessible seating, the stage and backstage areas are only accessible by staircase. The theatre has a T-Coil system for people who have heading aids that use this technology.
2750 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC
V6H 3J3
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage lobby
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage lobby
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage lobby
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage box office.